A tradition of adventure, growth, and resilience

For 30 years, Trek has been a cornerstone of the Korowa experience, fostering resilience, leadership, and self-discovery. This iconic four-week wilderness adventure pushes our students to their limits and creates lifelong memories. This year, we celebrate three decades of this transformative journey.

What isTrek?

The Trek experience encompasses a diverse range of activities including hiking, cycling, and rafting, each designed to challenge students and foster growth. Historically, students travelled from the Victorian Alps and finished at Ninety Mile Beach. However, over the years, this route has sometimes changed due to inclement weather.

Learn about Year Nine at Korowa

"Trek was a test of strength, it required physical endurance, mental resilience, and emotional intelligence. Reflecting on these experiences, I am reminded of my capabilities and the growth that comes from stepping out of my comfort zone." - Hannah Maitland (Class of 2025)

Iconic Traditions of Trek

Bucket lunch
  • Bucket lunch
  • Braids
  • Crocs
  • Solo
  • Trek Journal
  • Group Bracelets
  • Community Days

A quirky and much-loved tradition, the bucket lunch consists of wraps filled with leftovers and bits of everything. Despite the seemingly random ingredients, these wraps always taste surprisingly great, offering a delightful and nourishing break during the day’s activities.

Hair braiding has become a cherished ritual during Trek. It’s a fun and bonding activity that helps students manage their hair in the wilderness. The braids often become a symbol of the camaraderie and shared experiences of the journey.

Versatile and indispensable, Crocs have earned their place as the go-to camp shoes. Ideal for river crossings and providing comfort around the campsite, they are a practical and memorable part of the Trek gear.

A profound aspect of Trek is the Solo experience, where students embark on a two-night journey. During Solo, students venture off on their own, exploring the wilderness and spending reflective time alone. This challenging yet transformative experience encourages introspection, resilience and a deeper connection with nature. Students keep a Solo diary during this time, documenting their thoughts, reflections and personal growth, providing a meaningful keepsake of their journey.

Throughout Trek, students maintain a Trek Journal, recording their daily thoughts and experiences. Sometimes, they need to bulk fill entries if they haven’t had time to write for a few days, capturing the highs, lows and insights gained along the way.

Friendship bracelets are a cherished tradition where students add beads as they achieve key Trek milestones. These bracelets symbolise their journey together and the achievements they’ve accomplished as a team.

More than just a day of rest, Community Days are an integral part of Trek where students engage in bush showers, clean equipment, and participate in group activities like a ‘fashion show’. These days foster teamwork, camaraderie and a sense of community spirit, reinforcing the bonds formed during the adventure.


Kate (Class of 1996)

The solo, overcoming the feelings of ‘I can’t do this’ by going on and doing it and the friendships forged.

Billie (Class of 2025)

Our dawn breakfast paddle at 4am!

Gabby (Class of 2001)

Trek was one of the most formative experiences for me. It instilled a sense of teamwork and confidence that I have carried through my whole life, as well as a love for the Victorian bush and respect for Country.


Freya (Class of 2008)

Trek felt like an amazing achievement and there have been many times since that I have drawn on the strength, resilience and sense of adventure that trek fostered. It also sparked a lifelong love for the outdoors and nature.

Join usat Korowa

As we celebrate 30 years of our transformative Trek program, there’s no better time to join the Korowa community.

At Korowa, we are dedicated to empowering each student through exceptional education, innovative programs, and a supportive environment. By choosing Korowa, you’re giving your daughter the opportunity to be part of a legacy of excellence and exploration.

Apply now and become a part of our vibrant community.

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