Why a Girls’ School
Students will defy expectations and thrive in an environment that fosters resilience, builds confidence supports and empowers them to reach their full potential.
Korowa is all girls from Prep – Year 12, and has been from the beginning, back in 1899, more than 130 years ago when our founding Principal, Mrs Henrietta Akehurst sought to create an outstanding educational experience for girls. Embedded into our culture is a safe and supportive space where every student is free to be themselves and flourish into exceptional young people.
But why a girls’ school?
There is an increasing amount of evidence showing that girls benefit significantly – academically, socially and emotionally – in single-sex educational environments. Through tailoring teaching to girls’ learning needs and preferences, girls are provided the opportunity to feel empowered to take on roles often dominated by boys in a co-educational environment and reach their full potential.

Benefits of a Girls’ School
- Strong academic achievement is achieved through an environment that fosters confidence
- Students feel empowered to defy expectations and pursue further study and careers in any area they choose, including STEAM.
- The nurturing and tailored single-sex environment leads to many social, emotional and health benefits including improved self-esteem.
- Research shows that there is a much lower risk of being bullied in all girls’ schools and can lead to increased participation in sport and physical activity
- All girls’ environments equip students with the understanding, skills and confidence to overcome sociocultural and gender biases to break stereotypes.
Research Findings
- Girls feel confident and free to enter a range of gender-atypical areas of study such as STEAM including into tertiary education. Korowa’s alumni pathways exemplify this, read more here.
- Generally, literacy and numeracy results are improved in single-sex environments.
- Representation of women and girls in programs, leadership roles and co-curricular such as sport and music, bolsters confidence and self-esteem.
- Proportionally, a higher number of students from all-girls’ environments progress to further studies compared to their co-educational counterparts.
- Students of single-sex education score higher on emotional and behavioural engagement when completing Year 7 compared to co-educational students.
- Students of single-sex schools are more likely to complete secondary schooling and have lower exposure to unemployment post tertiary studies.

Here at Korowa, an all-girls approach to education is at the centre of everything we do. Tailoring our wellbeing strategies, teaching and learning, and co-curricular activities to ensure our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to defy expectations and break glass ceilings in all aspects of life inside, and beyond the Korowa gates. Most importantly we want our students to graduate as happy, well rounded young people with the confidence to be successful in whatever endeavour they choose.
Further resources
- Alliance of Girls Schools Australasia (2016). Single-sex education for girls – the research. Retreived from https://www.agsa.org.au/why-a-girls-school-the-research/
- Bridge, L. “Why you should choose a single-sex school, particularly for girls.” The Age. (8 March 2020)
- Alliance of Girls’ School Australasia (2017). Let’s hear it from the girls! Why they love going to girls’ schools. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e600j7D4QCQ
- Archard, N. (2018). Gender equality and the purposeful education of girls.In Alliance, Vol 60, 46-49.
- Hart, L. (2015). Benefits beyond achievement? A comparison of academic attitudes and school satisfaction for adolescent girls in single-gender and coeducational classrooms. Middle Grades Research Journal, 10(2), 33-48.