Supporting Scholarships for future generations

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We are grateful for the ongoing support of the Korowa Foundation, which has played a crucial role in shaping Korowa into the exceptional school it is today.

Many Korovians express deep gratitude for the education they received and the opportunities it afforded them, including the life-changing experiences from our iconic Trek program.

Today, we invite you to join us in our latest initiative: supporting scholarships for future generations of Korowa girls.

Our goal

Our goal is simple but meaningful: to ensure that every young woman who walks through the doors of Korowa has the opportunity to receive a world-class education, regardless of her financial circumstances. Scholarships awarded for all-round excellence, sports and music not only provide vital financial assistance but also open doors to a world of opportunities.


“Trek felt like an amazing achievement and there have been many times since then, that I have drawn on the strength and resilience and sense of adventure that Trek fostered”. - Freya French (Coker, Class of 2008)


By contributing to our scholarship fund, you are not just providing financial support; you are investing in the future of our society. You are empowering young women to pursue their passions, excel in their chosen fields, and become leaders in their communities. Your generosity will leave a lasting impact on the lives of countless deserving students, enabling them to experience the transformative benefits of a Korowa education.

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Make a difference

We invite you to be a part of this journey by making a tax deductible gift to our scholarship fund today. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students and help us create a more diverse and inclusive Korowa community.

Support Korowa

Thank you

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school. Together, we can empower the next generation of young women to reach their full potential.